A star is born!

English Title BBINUK Schiraldi ACC

In these days, at home, I can’t help but thinking about my first day in UK.
It was 29th of November 2017, it was cold and cloudy. I was very scared of everything (I am too chicken to face anything at first try) but full of curiosity and excited at same time.
My boyfriend came to pick me up at the airport and, after a journey of 45 minutes in the bus, we arrived at our home at the top of the hill, in what I called later, Hobbiville (the village of Hobbits, because, believe me, there are hills and little tiny and cute houses all around them).

Our home is very cute, on two levels with all the rooms well-distribuited. What I loved most, at first sight, was the living room, so bright and wide. Compared to my home in Italy, this one is very very small, but has all I need to feel like home sweet home.

After the first day, the nightmare began for me. Everything was challenging: a different language, different customs, different weather… I felt like an alien in a soap bubble walking clumsy on the street. But deep inside me I felt also something reckless that made me not stop to try and endure.

This reckless part of me made me able to speak English even if I wasn’t self-confident yet, and made me look so funny, gesturing a lot like an italian and with a vernacular cadence of my voice. Trust me, I was hilarious to look at (especially because I wasn’t aware of what I was doing)!
From this reckless part of me (we can call it now, Recky) months ago I created Bibi, an alter ego who faces life in all her clumsiness and genuineness.

So, it’s time now to present to all of you the First Episode of Bibi in Uk- An italian abroad. It has its own page here https://schiraldiart.com/Bibi%20in%20uk/, tap the link and enjoy it!

I will be very glad to know what you think 🙂

Soon the next episodes!