An Asteroid and a Plug

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It’s the 29th of April and an Asteroid is just traveling near the Earth.

Maybe this Pandemic isn’t so bad, after all. It is showing us that there other potential disasters that can be worse. At least, this Pandemic gives us the hope that there will be a tomorrow. Imagine an Asteroid impacting with us… I can’t see many chances to survive. Or surely less than a pandemic.

So, think of what could make you happy today. Think on what could you do for someone’s happyness (maybe a phone call, and now that I mention it, it’s better if I call my family today, it’s been a while that I didn’t because of work work work… Excuses).

I don’t want to give lessons or advice on life to anyone. I am barely paying attention to what I am saying. But I know that it is what I would like to hear from others. So I am doing it for you, if it could help.

In the meantime, take a look on the new episode of Bibi in UK: an Italian abroad . You’ll notice that there are more serious problems to think about 😀 Click here!

Enjoy 🙂