Freedom and Creativeness

Colette Tribute Art Schiraldi ACC

Being an arstist has never been easy or simple. If you are a writer, a composer, a dancer, a singer from the past to the present it is very difficult to emerge or to express yourself, what you have inside of your heart. It is like sharing your own language, that belongs to you only but somehow everyone understands it. This happens because the Art speaks to everyone without exception or discrimination.
For this reason, amongst a lot of films that deal with this amazing phenomenon, I would like to point out “Colette”.
It is a movie about the biography of a french novelist that in the end of the XX century fought for the rights of women, of the freedom of thought, of freedom of being yourself.
I have drawn a tribute to this wonderful historical character : Colette

I hope you will watch it and enjoy it.
Maybe you could say at the end of film <I want to tell the same thing she said in her old age: WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE I’VE HAD. I ONLY WISH I’D REALISED IT SOONER>.